Wednesday, 6 February 2013

New York Fashion Week February 2013

Just a few of the things I am looking forward to seeing during New York Fashion Week...

Models taking a tumble

Starting tomorrow, that's February 7th, through Valentine's day, Fashion (that's an intentional capital F, for Fashion Week) will once again take over the Big Apple with all the ensuing craziness that is New York Fashion Week! Along with every fashion reporter and photographer known to man, the newer craze for street style divas and fashionista bloggers will mean that this year, more than ever before, high  fashion will be totally accessible to anyone with an interest, and of course with the internet. Seems Twitter has a new application called Vine that apparently promises, fingers crossed, that any model who takes a tumble on to her ass will be blasted across the web with a mere split second or two's delay, how scrumptious is that? It's not that I don't feel for the poor model who hits the catwalk posterior first, it's just so unfair that they can walk in six inch, pin thin, heels while still looking so glamorous, so I'll take whatever little payback there is for the rest of woman kind and smile demoniacally when each and every one of those topplers bumps her bony ass on the catwalk.

Catwalk models falling down

Did I say six inch heels? Think these may have been seven!

models falling down

Thank God that even a Prada dress and the face of an angel didn't save this poor model from looking, well, unladylike :)

Kenneth Cole

Showing February 7th at 7pm, 537 W 27th Street

While many veteran designers have opted out of NYFW this year, Kenneth Cole will present his first show since 2006. I love this man. He is chairman of the Foundation for Aids Research, and has been an activist for AIDS for almost thirty years. I also love that his clothes are so wearable, and I often wore his ready to wear line for work when I lived in the US, but mostly I love his constant giving to a charity close to his heart. 

Cole has recently teamed up with Sarah Jessica Parker to create twenty limited edition clutch bags, the profits of which will go to amFAR. The bags include wallets designed to hold your credit card, mobile phone, mirror and a condom, as the man himself says " It suggests the importance of looking good and, at the same time, being safe" You can see why I love him, can't you?

Kenneth Cole amFAR handbag

These fabulous bags retail for $1000, but I'm sure the ones being auctioned by Cole and SJP at Fashion week will go for at least ten times that amount. But fear not oh charitable ones, even if this bag is out of your price range, you can still get involved and help the amFAR, as Cole has promised to donate $1 every time an @KennethCole follower tweets with #KCRunway during his catwalk show, see times above. Again, you can see why I love him, can't you?

Betsey Johnson

Showing February 11th at 5pm, Studio

Ah Betsey, whom, if you didn't know better you could be forgiven for thinking, looks like a homeless art teacher. I have always liked her, her steadfastness in sticking around such a fickle industry for almost 45 years, her fight against breast cancer - and her unwavering support of so many breast cancer charities, and of course, her fashion. No one says  "girls just wanna have fun" as well, in the design world, as Betsey...Ohhhh Isn't that a song?

Cyndi Lauper Betsey Johnson

Oh yeah, a song by Cyndi Lauper, the perfect choice to present Betsey's Birthday cake!

Betsey Johnson, she just makes fashion fun!

NYFW Street Style

From the sublime to the ridiculous - New York street style during Fashion Week has it all, and I love to see it.

NYFW street syle

Maybe I should have said, from the ridiculous to the sublime! After all, who wears bright red lipstick with an orange outfit?

NYFW Street style

Now this outfit is getting closer to the sublime, no?

Ahhhh, success :)

So, there you have it, just a few of the things I am looking forward to during the coming week of NYFW! And, it doesn't all end there, oh no. New York is merely the start, and is swiftly followed by major runaway shows in London, Milan and Paris, in that order. The fashion overload we will endure enjoy in the coming days is not the end, hurrah!

Is there anything in particular you are looking forward to seeing during New York Fashion Week?

Photo credits
Kenneth Cole & SJP bag, pic from
Catwalk pics from The Telegraph
Betsey Johnson pics originally by www.sofeminine,co,uk
Street style pic #1 & 2  # 3


  1. I know it's weird, but models falling down always makes me smile. :) x

    1. I think it's because they are so flawless in every way, when we see them being "real" it tickles us lol My favourite was seeing Naomi Campbell fall, she is such a horrible woman, I enjoyed it immensely :) x

  2. so pitty when see the model falling down :(
    i ever heard some models had being a victim from high heels with socks

    1. It must be very difficult to walk in heels that high, and sometimes the shoes don't even fit! x

  3. Replies
    1. hahaha good to see they aren't always perfection personified isn't it? x

  4. New follower :) I thing it`s funny!I like that the model is smiling.

    1. me too, i suppose she had to laugh or cry and chose to laugh, they must be used to falling, you see it all the time at the catwalk shows x

  5. We´re excited about all Fashion Weeks!!!!!!!! We´ve been wating since last season! hahahah
    About NY Fashion Week what we love most is street style, it can be so crazy but we love it!

    We invite you to our blog and if you like it may be we can follow? Let us know!

    1. Thank you for commenting, i am following you now on GFC x

  6. Thank you for this post ;) i love you blog .
    Dawn !it must be frustrating to fall in full parade ,you picture is beautiful .

  7. You've got a great blog!!
    The first picture of the weird guy with bangs is funny.

    1. I know, you see some weird things in New York lol x

  8. thanks for commenting on my blog! now following you on gfc - hope you do the same xx
    love from across the pond,

    1. thanks for the follow, following you on bloglovin now x

  9. Olá Angela !
    Estou seguindo de volta , aproveite a primavera que vai chegar aí e use e abuse das saias :)

    Sempre quis conhecer a Inglaterra

    Obrigada pela visita , volte sempre !

    Beijos e Abraso ,

  10. Thank you Sabs, i am following you now on GFC x

  11. Thanks Bee, following you now on bloglovin x

  12. the street style is going to be HILARIOUS youre totally right! just followed you back on gfc :) love the blog


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I read every single one and reply as often as possible. If you are going to follow me my preferred option would be through GFC, but of course I am very happy to be followed which ever way you prefer. Again thank you for commenting, it makes me so happy to see I have new comments.
Angela xxx