Thursday, 24 January 2013



So, what's my fashion statement?

 As part of the fabulous Girls Inspired Group I have been asked, along with any other GiG members that want to do this, to post on "What's Your Fashion Statement". This is a great topic for the GiG Spotlight series, as so far I haven't really written any fashion posts and this gave me the push I needed to do one.

 My own fashion statement agrees with the legendary Coco Chanel who stated that,“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” I have never felt the need to follow current trends, rather I dress to suit my life and me! Therefore, you could say I don't have a fashion statement, what I have is, a style statement.

As suggested by GiG regarding posting on this topic I have been thinking what items I couldn't do without for a trip away, what would show my style, what I would toss into my suitcase, although being a Virgo there would be more gentle folding and rolling of my clothes than tossing of them!

"Everyone has their own style. When you find it, 
you should stick to it"
Audrey Hepburn

I am very much a jeans girl during the day, but I do like to make the effort if I am going out in the evening. These items would be first in my suit case and typify my style...

I always take too much footwear, especially in colder climes as I love my boots and take several pair everywhere I go! 

Boots! How I love them, I must have at least a dozen pair. Flat, biker or riding boots for day time, and heeled, knee length for evenings, oh and my fabulous bright red wellies with white stars on!
They were made for concerts, this is them on the way back from The Stone Roses concert last Summer!

My true loves in the world of fashion/style though are these...

Scarves and bags! I dread to think how many of each I actually have. I think a scarf and a good bag can make any outfit look fabulous.

So my style is laid back, jeans, boots, scarves and tee shirts, with the occasional drifting into glamour for a night out. As Bruce Oldfield said "I'm not interested in fashion...When someone says that lime-green is the new black for this season, you just want to tell them to get a life"

Style on the other hand..."Fashions fade, style is eternal" and who could argue with Yves Saint Laurent? Not I!

BUT, I have to add a little footnote. When I was young style meant going against fashion for me, I was anti establishment, anti fashion and anti everything else. To the rhythm  of the Sex Pistols' Anarchy in the UK I shopped in underground boutiques and charity shops, I became a punk, one of the real ones, not the copy cat ones since the mid seventies!

(Forgive the bad quality of this photo, it is after all over thirty years old) 1977, aged 16, a style of my own that put two fingers up at fashion!

And in a way my style is still like this, ageing rock chic who thinks age should not stop us developing, or indeed, keeping, our own style. You don't have to be 18 in a skater skirt to have style, it's inside you and oozes from your pores, never try to be fashionable, just try to have style ladies! 


  1. great article! love the photo of you :)

    1. Thank you Sammy, sometimes it's hard to remember when I looked like that so I am glad I have this photo to remind me x

  2. You go girl! I love this rock chic in you, definitely! It should be called 'style statement' for everybody and let's stick to what we feel comfortable! I, too, am not so into the whole trend, or what's in or not, I love my jeans, skinnies and sometimes my comfy sweatpants! hehe. Can't beat the comfort when it comes to fashion, I'd say!

    Thanks for joining and we love having you at GIG

    xx Donah

    1. Thank you Donah, I love being part of the GiG. I feel happy to push the boundaries of my blogs being part of the spotlight series.

      And hey I am all about comfort, except on a night out, when I am willing to sacrifice some comfort for a bit of glamour.
      Angela x

  3. It's rare to see a lady who wear something like this! You rock! My fashion statement maybe a long sleeve top then a shorts. I'm into jeans. :)

    1. Thank you Patricia x i love being told I rock! I love jeans and have far too many pairs :) If I was younger and slimmer I too would wear shorts, I love them with tights and boots in Winter on all the young ladies out there. xx

  4. I love those red star wellies!! Ive got a pair in my coat closet and I always wait for it to rain then when it finally rains I always forget about my wellies haha! And I agree about the scarves and the bags :D


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Angela xxx